Friday 24 January 2014

Doctor, please break me

Imagine you go to your doctor complaining, "Doctor, it's my walking. It's quite good.  Is there something you can give me to make me limp?"

Or, "Doctor, my eyesight is pretty good. Could you give me some glasses so I can see less well? Better still, a blindfold would be good."

Or, "Doctor, it's my hearing. It's perfect. Could you arrange for something to be put in my ears, so things sound muffled?"

What would any doctor say to any of these requests? Is he likely to do what his patient asks?

To be honest, I've never tried asking, so I don't know for sure. But I would guess that he would say "No!"

Yet, when patients ask to have their fertility broken, doctors are only too happy to help. They'll give drugs to stop ovulation occurring normally, and they'll arrange for surgeons to tie up women's fallopian tubes, and break men's vas deferenses!

That is not what medicine and surgery are for. They are to fix things that are broken; that aren't working properly. Contraception and sterilisation do the exact opposite.

Topsy-turvy world we're living in.

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